The DASM and Main Street Jingle Bell Party

Please join us Monday, December 9th at the Price Center in Celebration of all things Downtown and each other. There will be sips, eats and lots more. Remember renew with DASM at a discounted rate this evening ONLY. Hope to see you Monday.

See YOU Downtown

2020 Membership Holiday Party Renewal Special:

  • Full: Just $55 (a $10 discount to typical renewal rates and a $20 discount to new memberships)

  • Advocate: Just $40 (a $10 discount new memberships)

  • Individual: Just $30 (a $10 discount new memberships)


Coffee & Commerce June 28

San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce Presents

Come participate in all things downtown! There will be demonstrations, wares and lots of door prizes. And, of course, there will be plenty of coffee and pastries! We look forward to seeing you there.

Event Description:
Coffee & Commerce, a Program of the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce (The Chamber) serves two purposes:

It allows the Host to showcase its business, services and/or facilities to the business community.

It offers Chamber members the chance to meet one another and network in a casual, relaxed atmosphere.


Free to San Marcos Area Chamber Members

Policy for Non-Members :

Non-members may attend up to three(3) Coffee & Commerce events to determine if the San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce is a good fit for their business. After three times of attending this event, we ask that you join in order to continue in participating in these events.

Date: Friday, June 28, 2019
Place: Price Center, 222 W. San Antonio
Time: 8:00 – 9:30 AM


Hosted By

Street and Sidewalk Maintenance June 10


Beginning June 10th, the City’s Public Services Transportation Department will start street maintenance work in the Belvin Street and Downtown areas.

The street maintenance is part of the City’s Pavement Management Program, a $1.6 million annual street maintenance program that includes rating, repairing, and resurfacing existing roadways.

“Extending the life of roadways requires regular maintenance. Our program utilizes a combination of preservation treatments, including asphalt overlay, slurry seal, crack sealing, and base repairs,” said Shawn Wolfshohl, Street Maintenance Manager. “Annual preventative maintenance can extend the life of pavement from 10 to 15 years and delay expensive reconstruction costs.”

Maintenance projects include base repairs, milling, and overlaying of:

  • Belvin from Bishop to Dixon

  • Dixon from Belvin to Hopkins

  • Hutchison from North to Moore

  • North from Harvey to Lindsey

  • Mary from North to Lindsey

  • Burleson from North to Moore

  • Lindsey from North to Moore

Additionally, curb and an ADA compliant sidewalk will also be installed on the Belvin Street project.

Weather permitting, the downtown project is scheduled to be completed by June 14. The mill and overlay of Belvin Street project will be completed on June 10, and the Belvin Street sidewalk is scheduled to be completed in September 2019.

  • Street maintenance projects completed earlier this year include streets in the following neighborhoods:

  • Forest Hills

  • East Guadalupe

  • Westover Hills

  • Castle Forest

  • Sierra Circle

Residents can view the City’s 5-Year Overlay & Maintenance schedule at:

Motorists are encouraged to drive cautiously and watch for street maintenance crews during the construction. For more information, please contact the Public Services Transportation Department at (512) 393-8036.


Downtown Association Kicking off New Walkabout Event June 8

The Downtown Association announced after its May 6 Board Meeting that it is launching a new Walkabout event to coincide with the current downtown San Marcos second Saturday line up each month beginning Saturday, June 8. The new Downtown Walkabout event will now help cap-off a series of standing monthly events with a late afternoon and early evening component -- giving a wider variety of folks an opportunity to enjoy downtown San Marcos from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. and beyond.

“Our ultimate goal is to create enough energy that our guests spend the entire weekend,” said Jean Baggett, Downtown Association Board Chair. “We envision visitors taking in all the fun of the whole second Saturday lineup downtown and then spending the night to take in a Glass Bottom Boat Tour, float the River, hike our trails, take in Wonder World Cave or hit the outlet malls on Sunday,” she added.

Each second Saturday downtown San Marcos visitors can enjoy an array of free, family-friendly activities including the San Marcos Farmer's Market, a curated artisan market on the courthouse square (Art Squared), a community market (San Mercado) and, now, the Downtown Walkabout.

The Downtown Walkabout features businesses with expanded hours or specials, street artisans and pop-up shops, free pedicab rides, live outdoor music from KZSM, and more as residents and visitors alike are invited to “Eat, Stroll, and Vibe” as they walkabout downtown.

For more information about specific Downtown Walkabout activities this month, please visit the Downtown Association’s website @ or the Facebook page @ Downtown Walkabout.

City of San Marcos Seeks Participants for Complete Count Committee in Census 2020


Timeline of Events:

CCC will be appointed by City Council on April 2, 2019

CCCs receive 2020 Census training – April 2019

CCCs develop strategy and work plan – TBD 2019

CCCs begin community organization mobilization - TBD 2019

CCC Address Canvassing begins - August to October 2019

The CCC will be comprised of the following:

A. Two Representatives of the City Council;

B. Two Representatives of Texas State University;

C. Two Representatives of the business community;

D. Two Representatives of the school district and education sector;

E. Two Representatives of community/ nonprofit organizations;

F. Two Representatives of faith based groups;

G. Two Representatives of media;

H. Two Representatives of youth organizations; and

I.   Two Representatives of the healthcare industry.

J. Three at- large members

Committee Application:

DTA Board Issues Comprehensive Recommendation on Downtown Parking

In advance of the February 19, 2019 meeting at which Council will consider the City’s proposed Paid On-Street Parking Implementation Plan [update: Council has delayed consideration of this item, but still expects to have it on an upcoming agenda], the Downtown Association Board has issued a letter to the Mayor and Council with its comprehensive recommendation regarding the management of on-street downtown parking. It is posted in full below and may be downloaded here.

The Downtown Association has also partnered with City of San Marcos for an information session on both the City and DTA Board parking recommendations Monday, February 11 6PM at Splash Coworking (326 N LBJ Drive).

City Publishes Paid Parking Reco; Schedules Outreach Sessions

The City of San Marcos has published a final draft of its staff and consultant (Kimley-Horn and Associates) recommendations on the implementation of paid on-street parking in downtown San Marcos. The executive summary and the full document may be downloaded using the following links or at the City’s Parking Management webpage. The executive summary is also included for view at the bottom of this post.

CoSM On-Street Paid Parking Program Implementation Plan
Executive Summary
Full Document

The matter is expected to come before City Council on Tuesday, February 19, 2019 and City Staff has scheduled several public outreach sessions over the new few weeks.

In conjunction with the Main Street Program, City staff will hold a series of ‘coffee talks’ on the plan at the San Marcos Main Street office (317 N LBJ Dr) at the following times:

  • Tuesday, February 5: 10:00 am

  • Tuesday, February 5: 2:00 pm

  • Wednesday, February 6: 10:00 am

  • Wednesday, February 6: 5:30 pm

[Update: The Downtown Association Board of Directors issued its own recommendation on downtown parking (posted here) and has worked with City staff to schedule a full presentation, open to all interested parties, regarding the topic on Monday, February 11 at 6:00PM at Splash Coworking (326 N LBJ Dr).

Stay tuned to the Downtown Association website for more information.

Apply for CoSM Parking Advisory Board by Jan 17

The City Clerk’s office is accepting applications for the newly formed Parking Advisory Board until Thursday, January 17. All interested Downtown Association Members are encouraged to apply.

The new seven person* Parking Advisory Board was formed by Council ordinance (click here to view) on December 12, 2018 with the support of the Downtown Association. The Parking Advisory Board will serve an advisory function to the City manager and council regarding parking and mobility, including parking benefit districts, on-street parking regulations, and codes and ordinances relating to parking facilities, mobility solutions, and transportation demand management. Council also approved a budget amendment to immediately hire a Parking and Mobility Manager who is anticipated to actively work with the Parking Advisory Board on parking and mobility solutions in the Downtown.

A “Downtown Association Recommended Member” and a “Main Street Recommended Member” for the Parking Advisory Board will each be submitted directly to the City by those respective organizations’ Boards; however, all other members of the Parking Advisory Board will be selected exclusively by Council and include seats for a Downtown Business Owner, Downtown Property Owner, Downtown Resident, and two at-large members. With the exception of the Downtown Resident member seat, there are no residency requirements stated in the ordinance.

More information on Boards and Commissions can be found here.

A direct link to the Application can be found here.

To catch up on the latest Parking news, click here to view all the DTA News posts related to Parking.

*Two Council Members are also included in the Parking Advisory Board as non-voting members.

City to hire Mobility & Parking Manager; Form Advisory Board

At its December 4th Regular Meeting, in a series of unanimous 5 to 0 votes, Council approved the hiring of a Mobility & Parking (MaP) Manager, the formation of a MaP Fund, and the creation of a MaP Advisory Board.

Council voted to keep 100% of any future parking revenues in the new MaP Fund, overriding the initial staff recommendation which had 30% of revenues going back into the General Fund. Council also elected to add two at-large positions to the Advisory Board making it a 7-person board. Additionally, two council members will join the Advisory board, though in a non-voting capacity. The full composition of the voting individuals on the Advisory Board will be: one recommendation from the Main Street Board, one recommendation from the DTA Board, one downtown resident, one downtown property owner, one downtown property owner, and two at large members.

Both Staff and Council prominently referenced the DTA Board and Parking Subcommittee recommendations in drafting and amending the ordinances prior to adoption, including: the expansion of the MaP Manager and Advisory Board duties and responsibility to include broader mobility and transportation demand management objectives, the assurance that all parking revenues would stay in MaP Fund, and the composition of the MaP Advisory Board.

Council has previously directed staff to place the issue of paid on-street parking on its January 29, 2019 agenda. The DTA Board continues to look for member feedback on this issue and encourages members to email with any input. The DTA Board, in consultation with the DTA Parking Subcommittee, expects to issue recommendations to Council related to paid on-street parking in mid-January.

Need to catch up on the latest parking news? Click Parking News Posts under the Parking dropdown at the top of this page for a full list of all this year’s Parking posts.

DTA Provides Recos on Parking Advisory Board

At the November DTA Member Meeting, Assistant Director of Community Services Kevin Burke provided an overview of a presentation given to City Council on the formation of a parking management organization, parking benefit districts, and the possible introduction on paid on-street parking in the downtown area. The presentation document is available for download and viewing here.

At the conclusion of the November Council Workshop, Council directed staff to place the hiring of a full-time Parking Manager, the formation of a Parking Management Fund, and the creation of a citizen Parking Advisory Board on its December 4, 2018 agenda, but to postpone any discussion or possible action on the implementation of paid on-street parking until the January 29, 2019 Council meeting. The delayed discussion of on-street paid parking is to allow for a full Council to be seated following this month’s two run-off elections and to allow more time for community outreach by staff.

The DTA Board has sent a letter (copied below) to the City Council supporting the parking organization items on the December 4 agenda while offering some recommendations for the ordinance to acknowledge broader mobility objectives for the downtown and to ensure any net revenues from ticketing or future paid on-street parking stay within the downtown area. Staff has already taken many of the DTA Parking Subcommittee’s recommendations on these items in the draft ordinance, including a seat on the proposed five person Advisory Board to be recommended by the DTA Board.

The DTA Board has not yet issued a recommendation to Council regarding paid on-street parking, but expects to do so prior to the January 2019 Council meeting after consultation with the Parking Subcommittee and reviewing member feedback. DTA members are encouraged to contact the Board via with any comments or other feedback on paid on-street parking.

For more information about the Parking Management Plan, including the Parking Subcommittee’s prior recommendations, please see the previous News post on downtown parking here.

Payroll Audit Compliance Workshop - Dec 17, 10AM - ACC Eastview (Austin)

A new program aimed at expediting resolution of inadvertent minimum wage and overtime violations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (and providing a framework for employers to proactively resolve those violations without litigation) has been launched by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the US Department of Labor.

The WHD invites all DTA members to attend a free, half-day event to introduce the Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID) program at Austin Community College’s Eastview Campus from 10AM to Noon on Monday, December 17, 2018.

The PAID program provides a framework that ensures that employees can receive 100% of all back wages due in an expedited manner without potentially having protracted and costly litigation.

WHD, the Center for Nonprofit Studies at Austin Community College (ACC), and Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Office of the Commissioner Representing Employers are excited to collaborate to introduce WHD’s New Nationwide PAID Program.

For more information about PAID visit:

Don’t miss this FREE opportunity to learn about this program from agency leadership. All employers welcome to attend.   

Register here:


DTA Weighs in on Health Code Changes

Throughout this year, the Downtown Association (DTA) Board, led by the efforts of President Jean Baggett, has sought to clarify changing requirements for Health Code compliance in San Marcos and to communicate the issues those changes create for much of the DTA membership and other businesses and organizations in San Marcos. The policy changes have already resulted in the modification of many downtown events and contributed in part to decisions by some businesses to close or relocate.

In late October, following numerous informal conversations without any change in policy from the City, the Downtown Association Board sent a letter to the City Manager’s office specifically regarding Temporary Event Food Permit Requirements and Fees. The DTA expressed frustration with the changing requirements, high fees, and difficulty in obtaining consistent responses. The DTA has requested significantly lower fees and the re-evaluation of City policy for requiring event permits for small community events where light refreshments and snacks are offered to customers, typically complimentary.

The DTA letter is attached below, as is a letter from the City in which multiple health code matters are addressed. Notably, the DTA continues to dispute many of the conclusions and responses in Staff’s response letter.

The City Health Department has discussed taking the adoption of the 2015 Texas Food Establishment Rules (and staff’s interpretations and local implementation thereof) to City Council for over a year, but to date has not yet brought this matter before Council. The City has a dedicated website, including FAQs on the matter, which can be accessed at this link.

The DTA Board encourages all parties with concerns on this matter to reach out directly to the Mayor and Council, which can be emailed at this link. It is important for your voice to be heard on this issue either with your letter or in conversation with Council members.

The Downtown Association of San Marcos will stay actively involved in this matter and expects to address Council directly once the item is placed on a future agenda.

Paid On-Street Parking Benefit District Talks Scheduled

Council workshop set for nov. 20

After adopting a Parking Management Framework plan in June, the San Marcos City Council will hear a presentation on downtown parking from City staff and the City’s parking consultant, Kimley-Horn, in the City Hall Conference Room on Tuesday, November 20th at 3PM.

The presentation will focus on the implementation of the first three action items from the Framework Plan, which would introduce paid on-street parking to a portion of downtown and create a benefit district to reinvest excess revenues from paid parking back into the downtown.

Presentation available for REVIEW ONLINE

The City has already posted the presentation and additional information to be shared with Council as part of the Council’s workshop agenda packet which may be viewed here.

The presentation shows that data assessed by Kimley-Horn demonstrated peak demand in the downtown area occurring at 1PM where 19 blocks within the area proposed for paid on-street parking had occupancy exceeding the targeted 85% occupancy rate. Data generated by SMPD’s use of the NuPark License Plate Recognition (LPR) enforcement system launched this year showed a violation rate (e.g., vehicles exceeding the 2-hour time limit) of 10%. According to the presentation, a target violation rate is typically 3 to 5%.

The draft phase 1 recommendations include: $1 per hour paid on-street parking Monday through Friday, 9AM to 6PM, from parts of San Antonio Street up to the Texas State University Campus, creation of off-street and on-street 10-hour zones to help accommodate employee parking until additional off-street parking resources are added, and use of Pay-by License Kiosks (in lieu of individual meters) with a Pay-by Cell mobile phone parking app for added convenience.

Kimley-Horn estimates the approximately investment in the meters to be paid back in about one year. Thereafter, the District is estimated to generate $350,000 - $400,000 each year in net revenue with a recommended 70% of the net revenue being invested back into the District. [Updated 12/2 to reflected revised information from the City.]

For governance, the draft presentation recommends a hybrid structure wherein the City will hire a Parking Manager, contract with a private parking management firm to run day-to-day operations, and form a five to seven person advisory board to manage parking district policy and have the authority to set paid hours, time limits, and rates — within a limited range — as well as make changes to ensure the District is meeting its objectives.

DTA parking subcomittee issued recommendations to staff

After reviewing the draft presentation and referencing the DTAs Parking Survey conducted this spring, the Downtown Association’s Parking Subcommittee met with and issued a letter to staff this past week supporting the creation of on-street paid parking subject to a number of recommendations, including:

  1. 100% of all excess net parking revenues generated in the District be spent solely within the District

  2. Downtown employees be supported during the transition with improvements to the free remote parking lot at the former Armory across from City Hall, free or reduced fare transit passes for downtown employees, and at least 50 on or off-street parking spaces being made available through the City at a reasonable monthly rate for downtown employers to purchase for use by their employees

  3. Flexibility in parking time limits be implemented by allowing up to three hours of parking (up from the current two hour maximum) with the last hour being available at an increased rate of $2 to encourage turnover

  4. Use of modern meter technology allowing for multiple payment options and efficient operations and maintenance

  5. A number of specifics regarding the District and Board structure including that the Downtown Association have a seat on the Board and that the District be charged with more holistic objectives around mobility and enhancement of the Downtown, such as:

    • Improve the availability of on-street parking for downtown customers and guests;

    • Expand off-street parking access for employees and downtown residents; and,

    • Fund infrastructure and programs that:

      • Promote walking, cycling, shared-use vehicles, and transit as the preferred forms of transportation within the District, and,

      • Enhance public spaces and rights-of-way in support of economic development for downtown businesses and improved quality of life for downtown residents

The Parking Subcommittee is made up of Suzanne Riley, Shea Enderle, Jean Baggett, Melissa Hodgkins, and John David Carson with additional guidance from other DTA members that have attended subcommittee meetings or provided input via email. The subcommittee’s full letter to staff can be found here.

Staff to present to DTA membership at Nov 26 member meeting

Staff will present the information directly to Downtown Association members at our upcoming Member meeting to be held Monday, November 26th at 6PM at Shine On Yoga.

The Council workshop on November 20th will not have a public hearing component, but will solely be for the presentation of the draft recommendations to Council for their initial questions.

Discussion and possible action on the formation of a Parking Management Fund, the hiring of a Parking Manager, and the creation of a Parking Advisory Board is currently scheduled for the December 4th council meeting. Consideration of the implementation of paid on-street parking was directed by Council to be postponed until the January 29, 2019 meeting. [Update 12/2 to reflect Council direction after the Nov. 20 workshop.]

Member input can always be sent to

PR GO: student-run pro bono PR firm launches downtown

A pro bono, student run public relations firm called PR GO launched last month in downtown San Marcos to help community business help themselves by providing strategic communication and social media marketing advice and education.

PR GO was founded on the “help business owners help themselves” concept to provide community businesses with free guidance and education on how to better engage with their audiences through strategic communication and social media tactics.

“The students really just want to use what they’ve learned in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State to help local businesses build relationships with their customers,” Professor of Public Relation and the student’s faculty advisor Paul Villagran said. “The goal of PR GO is to provide small bite-size tips on how to navigate the digital media environment.”

PR GO services include: Social Media Report Cards, Website Audits, Strategic Communication Counseling, Reputation Management, Digital Analytics and Brand Building.

The students of PR GO have received valuable guidance from the leadership of the San Marcos Main Street program as well as (DTA Member) Splash Coworking where the firm will hold office hours.

Walk in clients can meet with team members for counseling every Thursday from 3-6 p.m. or by appointment. Splash Coworking is located at 326 North LBJ Drive, San Marcos.

For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please contact PR GO through the firms Facebook page @PRGOTXST or by email at

Film Friendly SMTX Offers Tips on Benefiting from Film Industry

DTA Members that attended our October Member Meeting were treated to a presentation from Randy Polk of Film Friendly SMTX at which he shared information on the moving image industry (aka film industry), the Texas Film Commission (TFC), and how downtown San Marcos business and property owners can benefit from the economic activity generated by film production.

TFC Film Friendly Program

San Marcos is one of over 100 Film Friendly certified communities across Texas. The Texas Film Friendly program prepares communities to meet the opportunities and challenges of accommodating media productions. By being ready to help match local businesses with production-related needs and services, Film Friendly communities can take better advantage of the economic development impact offered by moving image industries. More information is available on the City of San Marcos’ Film Friendly information page.

GSMP Study: Moving Image Industry drives more than $26MM of Economic Impact

Polk cited a recent study commissioned by (DTA member) the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP) that, since 2008, over 110 moving image projects have taken place in Hays and Caldwell Counties that resulted in total economic activity attributable to the motion picture, film, and TV productions of $26.7 million and supporting 185 jobs. The full study can be read on the GSMP website here.

San Marcos’ filmography over the past 10 years includes: Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) • American Crime (TV Series: 2015 - 2016) • The Teller and the Truth (2015) • Boyhood (2014) • The Tree of Life (2011) • Friday Night Lights (TV Series; 2006 - 2011)

How to List Your Location for Films

Polk shared tips for business owners and property owners that wish to submit their property to the TFCs free digital library of locations available to filmmakers for use in films, television shows, commercials, music videos, and multimedia projects. Interested parties can add their location on the TFC website by clicking Submit Your Property for Films under the Resources tab or by clicking the direct link here.

Polk also recommends submitting properties to the Austin Film Commission directly, which can be done here.

Randy Polk is a former professor of Media Production at the University of Houston and he is happy to assist any DTA Members with their questions about benefiting from film opportunities in San Marcos. He can be contacted via email here.

CARTS passengers can now purchase passes on Hopthru App

Press Release via CARTS


The Capital Area Rural Transportation System, THE BUS in San Marcos and Go Geo riders in the City of Georgetown can now use their smart device to purchase bus passes.

Hopthru is a San Francisco based mobile ticketing platform for public transit agencies. Using the Hopthru app, riders are able to purchase passes anytime, anywhere and then present them while boarding. Riders may purchase passes with their credit card, debit card or commuter benefits card and then store them until they are ready to ride.

Hopthru enables riders to purchase passes at their convenience rather than stand in line at stations or on the bus to pay for physical passes.

Riders can receive a link to download the app by texting “hopthru” to 43506. After signing up, they are prompted to select their transit agency, rider type and ticket type, then complete their purchase. Once a rider is ready to board, they can activate their pass and then present it to the operator while boarding. Purchased passes can be activated at anytime with or without internet connection, enabling riders to travel without having to worry about keeping a cell signal.

CARTS provides transportation for the non-urbanized areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Travis and Williamson counties and the San Marcos urbanized area.  Anyone in the CARTS District will be able to ride one of the many CARTS services using the new Hop Thru app effective September 17, 2018 and the first ride is FREE! Go Geo passengers in the City of Georgetown and THE BUS passengers in San Marcos will also be able to download the app for transit services there.

Guadalupe St. Improvements Open House Oct 17

Texas Department of Transportation representatives and City staff will host a come-and-go open house from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Hays County Courthouse Rotunda on Wednesday, Oct. 17.

The event will introduce proposed improvements for Guadalupe Street from University Drive to Grove Street. The improvements include striping for bike lanes and parking, as well as sidewalk improvements between MLK Drive and the UPRR railroad tracks and bike/pedestrian crossing improvements at the tracks.

Exhibits of the improvements will be on display, and the public is encouraged to attend and provide comments for consideration.

For more information contact the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or email to

via City of San Marcos